English Name-Fennel- Foeniculum vulgare,-saunf
This herb is a native of Europe and Asia Minor, but largely cultivated in Northern and Western of India.
This is a small annual herb. The leaves are pinnately decompounded, ultimate segment are linear. The flowers are yellow in colour and the flowers form compound umbels. The flowers blooms in August to September. The fruit is cremocarn ribbed and flattened. The colour of the fruit is greenish the fruit has sweet smell due to presence of Anethole.
The fresh leaves are used in cooking for garnishing and salads and dressings. The fruits are used as mouth freshener in India. The essential oil derived from the fruits is used in cosmetic industries. The fruit is carminative and good tonic. The flavor .of fennel is much similar to flavor of Aniseed..
Known as an other languages-
Botanical name-foeniculum vulgare miller
Hindi Name-saunf
Marathi Name-badisaunf
Sanskrit Name=madurika
French Name-fenouil
German Name-fenchel
This herb is a native of Europe and Asia Minor, but largely cultivated in Northern and Western of India.
This is a small annual herb. The leaves are pinnately decompounded, ultimate segment are linear. The flowers are yellow in colour and the flowers form compound umbels. The flowers blooms in August to September. The fruit is cremocarn ribbed and flattened. The colour of the fruit is greenish the fruit has sweet smell due to presence of Anethole.
The fresh leaves are used in cooking for garnishing and salads and dressings. The fruits are used as mouth freshener in India. The essential oil derived from the fruits is used in cosmetic industries. The fruit is carminative and good tonic. The flavor .of fennel is much similar to flavor of Aniseed..
Known as an other languages-
Botanical name-foeniculum vulgare miller
Hindi Name-saunf
Marathi Name-badisaunf
Sanskrit Name=madurika
French Name-fenouil
German Name-fenchel