English Name- Chili –Capsicum annum
Chili is grown all over the world except in very cold regions. Tropical and sub tropical parts of the world grow on e variety or other of chili.
Chili is fruit of the herb from solanaceae plant family. Capsicum annum is an annual herb with swollen nodes and purple stem. The leaves are ovate and acute. The flowers are bell shape and white. The fruits are green however tun red when ripe. The fruits are many seeded . the fruits are less pungent than the fruits of capsicum frutescens, which is a perennial small herb. The fruits are smaller in size.
Chili is used in everyday cooking for its pungent taste and flavour. It is also used in pickles. Chili and its extracts find use in cure for Lumbago and Rheumatic disorders. oleo resins used in research for cure of cancer.
Known as as other languages.
Botabical Name-Capsicum annum
Hindi Name-mirch
Marathi Name-mirchi
Sanskrit Name-marich
French Name-purve de Guinne
German Name-paprika