English Name- Bay leaf- Cinnamomum tamala- Tejpat
The tree from which the leaves are obtained is found in many countries of Europe. It is also found in Arabic countries, Shri Lanka and America.
Bay leaf or Tamal patra is obtained from two to three varieties, cinnamomum tamala is one of them another is laurel- Laurus nobils. Both the trees are from plant family Lauraceae. The tree cinnamomum tamala attains a height of 15 mtrs. Or above. The leaves are olive green from above and dull green from below with ribs. The elliptical leaves give out an aromatic delicate fragrance.
Bay leaf is one of the constituent of Garam Masala this is an indispensable mixture of spices for Indian cookery. Bay leaf is useful for cough and indigestion.
Known as an other languages-
Botanical Name-Cinnamomum tamala.
Hindi Name-Tejpat
Marathi Name- Tamal patra
Sanskrit NameTejpatra
French Name-Laurier des indes
German name-indisches lorbeerlatt.