English Name-Basil holy, Basil sacred-
( Ocimum tenuifloram,ocimum sanctum)-Tulsi
Basil holy is aplant native to India. Holy basil is the most sacred of all the plants to the Hindus. The plant is grown in the most of houses in India.
This herb is a member of lamiaceae plant family.this is an annual many branched herb.the stem is hairy and purplish. The leaves are opposite,decussate,elliptic-oblong,obtuse or acute. The flowers are racemes. The flowers bloom in September to December. The flowers are violet in colour. The seeds are surrounded by persistent calyx.
The leaves and the seeds have a pleasant aromatic flavor.
The juice of the leaves is used in treatment of bronchitis and gastic disorders. All the five parts i.e.the root, the stem, the leaves, the flowers and the seeds are useful in Ayurvedic medicine.
The spices contains several essential oils with faint resemblance to colve oil.
Used in gastric & genitor urinary disorders.
Known as an other language-
Gujrathi , Marathi ,Bengali,Tamil,Malyalam- Tulsi