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English Name- Bamboo -( Bambusa arundinacea)

Bamboo is common in India. It is found in many parts of the world. This tree can grow in topical climates as well as in very cold climates of the Himalayas. This is a member of Grass family.

This plant is a member of Bambusaceae plant family.
This is a thorny tufted tree. It grows to a height of about 15 to 20 meters. The leaves are liner to linear to lancellate., glabrous, or puberulous beneath, scabrous on one or both margins. Ample panicles, spikelates are glabrous suberect, lanceolate in loose cluster.


In Ayuerveda the leaves , the stems and the roots are used as astringent, laxative and as diuretic. It is also useful in treatment of leprosy. Skin diseases and burning sensation.

Known as an other languages-

Hindi Name-Vans
Gujrathi Name-vaans
Marathi Name-velu, bamboo
Kannada Name- Biduru Gala
Tamil & malyalam- Mungil
Telugu Name-kachkai
Sanskrit Name-Bans
Botanical Name-Bambusa arundinacea
