English Name- Hogweed-spreading( Boerhaavia diffusa.)
This creeping herb is found in many warm parts of the earth, mainly in India , Brazil, Iran and Nigeria.
This herb is a member of Nvctaginaceae plant family. This is creeping herb. The branches are divaricated. The stem is purplish. The leaves are opposite , oblique ovate, hairy on lower side. Flowers bloom in October-December. The flowers are 4 to 8 in umbels on slender stalk. There are two types of Hogweed one is white and other is red
The roots are analgesic, laxative and diuretic. The roots are useful in acidity. The alkaloids from Hogweed have diuretic action and these alkaloids are useful in curing swelling. The roots useful as Ayurvedic herbal medicine.
Known as an other langauages-
Gujrathi Name-satodi
Marathi Name- Ghetuli, punarnava
Bengali Name- swetpunya
Kannada Name- Adakaputtana gida, sannadida
Tamil Name- Mukkirate
Malyalam Name- Talutaama
Hindi Name-vishakhapara
Sanskrit Name-punarnava
Botanical name-Boerhaavia diffusa