English Name-Indian asparagus- Asparagus racemosus- Shatavari
Asparagus racemosus and Asparagus saementosus are very common. Herbs found in warm tropical countries like India , Sri lanka , Indonesia, In addition part of southern china. This is garden herb.
Asparagus is a member of liliaceae plant family. This is an extensive,spiny,many branched climber with fasciculate tuberous roots. The leaves are liner with a stout conical spiny spur, straight or slitly curved. The flowers are white,fragrant in simple cacemes. The berries are globular and red. Each plant has thread like hundred roots, therefore, this herb is named shatmuli or shatavari-( shat means-hundread, muli –meance-roots)
The roots are very good tonic for general health. The dried herbs used for curing acidity problems of stomach. The roots are used for Ayurvedic medicinal purpose.
Its main use has been as galactogoue( stynaya) to increase milk secretion during lactation.
In form of vegetable contain phosphate & vitamin B
It has rare nutrients copper,iron,zinc,manganese,chrome,calcium,sodium,potassium.
Known as an other languages-
Hindi Name-
Gujrathi Name-satavari
Marathi Name- satavari-mul,asvel
Bengali Name-satamuli
Kannada name-aheruballi
Tamil Name-sadavari
Sanskrit Name-shatavari
Botanical Name-Asparagus racemosus