English Name- Madder root-Rubia cordifolia-majith
Madder root is a plant native to India. Generally this plant is found on the Himalayan side of India.
Madder cordifolia is a member of Rubiaceae plant family. This is aclimbing perennial herb. The roots are long and the bark is red .the leaves are in two pairs. One pair is larger than the other.
The flowers bloom in October to January in terminal panicle cymes.
The roots are natural red dye. The roots are very effective in purifying blood. The roots are tonic and astringent. The roots and fruits are useful as Ayurvedic herbal medicine.
Known as an other language-
Hindi Name
Marathi, kannada and Bengali Name- manjistha
Gujrathi Name-majith
Tamil Name-manditti
Telugu Name- Tamaralli
Sanskrit Name-manjistha
Botanical Name-Rubia cordifolia