English Name- chinaberry Bead Tree- Azadirechta Indica- Neem
This is a large tree found everywhere in India.
This large tree is amember of Meliaceae plant family. The leaves are pinnate . The leaflets are 9-12 sub opposite obliquely lancealate, acute in addition, serrate. The flowers are small, white and fragrant. The seeds are hard and contain non-edible, neem oil.
All aprts of the tree are useful fo medicinal purpose. Neem improves immune system, bowel function and resistance of the body against many ailments. The bark is useful for toothache and bad breath. Amny cosmetic preparation contain Neem as one of the ingredients. Each and every part of the tree is useful. The seeds, bark ,flowers, leaves and the fruits are useful as Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Neem oil is a natural pestiside.
Known as an other language-
Hindi Name-Neem
Marathi Name-kadunimb
Bengali Name-Neem
Kannada Name- Turakabevu
Gujrathi Name-Limda
Tamil Name-Veppai ,sengumaru
Malyalam Name-Arivaveppu
Telugu Name-vepa
Sanskrit Name-Nim, prabhadra
Botanical Name-Azadirechta indica