English Name- Thorn apple, Toloache- (Dhatura- Datura Innoxia.)
Datura Innoxia-thorn apple and other similar spices are found in India and other Tropical countries including central America.
Datura is an herb of palnt family solanaceae. This is a small shrub. The branches are purplish, pubescent and spotted with white patches. The leaves are alternate, broadly ovate-acute entire or toothed. The flowers are axillary, solitary, peduncle and small white violet with musk like fragrance. The fruits are round and thorny.
In minute quantity, the seeds and laves are narcotic and antispasmodic.
All parts of the plant contain alkaloids which are toxic and may cause death if taken large quantities. Roots ,stem, leaves,flowers and fruits are used in Ayurveda as medicinal herb.
Known as an other language-
Hindi Name-Dhatura
Marathi Name-Dhotra
Gujrathi Name-Dhantura
Kannada Name-Biliya, Madgunile
Tamil Name-ummaate
Malyalam Name-ammatam
Telugu Name-Taila ummate
Sanskrit Name-Dhatur
Botanical name-Datura Innoxia