English Name-Coriander – coriander sativam- Dhania
Coriander is a native of Mediterranean but is it is cultivated all over the world. Major countries are India, East Europe, USA, Central America, Marocco and Russia.
Coriander is a plant of Apiaceae family. This is a small strong smellinf annual heb. The leaves are two type. The flowers are white or bluish and bloom in November to December. The fruit a cremocarn, sub globosely greenish yellow in colour with very good aromatic flavor.
The fresh leaves of coriander are used in cooking for garnishing. The fruits are used for frangrance and medicinal values in cooking spicy dishes. The essential oil derived from the fruits in used in cosmetic industry. The fruit is useful in treating dysentery. It is carminative and good tonic. The juice of leaves is said to be useful in improving eyesite. Coriander is also known as a cilantro or Chinese parsley.
Known as an other languages-
Botanical Name-coriandrum sativam
Hindi Name-Dhania
Marathi Name-kothimbir
Sanskrit Name-Dhanyak
French Name-corriendre
German Name-Koriander