English Name- Clove- Syzygium aromaticum
The plant is a native to indonesian islands. It is also cultivated in south India, Madagadcar, Malysia, Shri Lnaka and Zanziber.
Clove is from the Myrtaceae plant family. This is an evergreen small tree. The leaves are opposite entire, ovate-oblong and shining. The flowers are small and pale purple. The clove of commerce is dried unopened buds. The dried buds are black or brown in colour.
The aromatic flavour of clove is useful for culinary use. It is used for spicy and sweet dishes. Clove and essential oil derived from it, find uses in cosmetic industries. As medicine it is used for treatment f vomiting and toothache.
Known as an other languages-
Botanical Name-syzygium aromaticum
Hindi Name-Laung
Marathi Name-Lavang
Sanskrit Name-Lavang
French Name-clou de girofle
German Name-Nelke Gewuznelke