Night jasmine is small tree native to India. This tree is found as ornamental garden tree in many parts of India.
This tree is amember of oleacear plant family. This is small tree. The branches are quadrangular. The leaves are ovate, acuminate with large distant treeth. The flowers are small white with orange stem. The flowers have delicate fragrance.
A west Indian shrub ( cestrum nocturnum ) having small greenish-white flowers which are very fragrant at night is different from night jasmine
The leaves are useful in skin diseases.
An essential oil derived from the flowers.
Known as an other language-
Hindi Name-
Marathi Name-parijatak
Gujrathi Name-parijatak
Kannada Name-
Bengali Name-shiuli
Tamil Name-pavizhamalli
Malyalam Name-paarijatam
Sanskrit Name-parrijatak
Boatanical Name-Nyctanthes,Arbo-tristis