English Name- Malabar Nut.
Vasaka or Malabar nut is an herb native to India.it is found in almost every part of India.
Vasaka is a member of Acanthaceae plant family.this is a many branched shrub.The leaves are opposite, elliptic lanceolet,acute with narrow base.The flowers are in in axillary spiles.The white coloured flowers with rose coloured steaks in the throat, bloom in August to November
The leaves are very efficacious asa remedy for all sorts of coughs and cold. Bronchitis, asthma.The leaves and extract of leaves are useful in yurvedic medicine.
Kown as on other laungage-
Hindi Name-Adulasa.Adosa
Sanskrit Name-Atrush
Marathi Name-Adulsa
Botanical Name-Justicia adhatoda,Adhatoda Vasica