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Herbal remedy for common Aliments

Herbal Remedy for Common Ailments
Common Ailments
Herbs or Spices Generally Used

Latin Name - Indian Name
Anxiety and Depression
Loss of interest in life, Loss of concentration
1 Hydrocotyle Asiatica - Brahmi2 Evolvulus alsinoides - Shankh Pushpi3 Withania Somnifera - Ashwagandha4 Celastrus paniculata seeds -Jyotishmati 5 Acorus calamus - Vach, Vaj
Conjunctivitis & Day today Eye Strains
Redness of eyes Swelling in eyes
1 Phyllanthus emblica - Amla 2 Terminalia bellirica - Baheda, Bahera3 Terminalia chebula- HardeThe above three herbs together are known as TRIPHALA.
Sneezing, Blocked nose, Watery nasal discharge
1 Zingiber officinale - Adrak, Sunth2 Piper nigrum- Kali mirch
Difficult respiration, Respiratory tract, Infection
1 Glycyrrhiza galba - Jethimadh, Mulhathi2 Solanum xanthocarpum - Kantakari / Kateri3 Adhatoda Vasica- Adulasa, Adosa
Dental Problems
Tooth ache, Bleeding Of gums
1 Barleria prionitis- Kantsaria, Vajradanti2 Zingiber officinale - Sunth, Adrak Dried3 Ferula assa-foetida - Hing
Increase in Blood sugar Excessive discharge of Urine. Thirst & dryness in mouth.
1 Trigonella foenum – graecum - Fenugreek, Methi2 Gymnema sylvestre - Gurmar, Madhunashini,3 Aegle Marmelos - Bel, Bael4 Enicostema littorale - Chhota Chirata, Mamejavo
Watery stools several times a day,stomach – ache
1 Myristica fragrans fruits - Jaiphal 2 Cinnamomum verum - Dalchini3 Elettaria cardamomum - Elaichi chhoti
Ear Ache
Itching and irritation In ears, pus in ears
1 Allium sativum - Garlic, Lahsun
General Debility
Nervousness, anxiety Insomnia, loss of Appetite
1 Withania Somnifera - Ashwagandha2 Asparagus racemosus - Shatamuli, Shatavari3 Tinospora cordifolia - Gudachi, Galo4 Tribulus terrestris, Pedalium murex - Gokharu5 Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
Hair problems
Thinning and falling of hair
1 Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Bacopa Monnieri - Brahmi 2 Eclipta alba - Eclipta prostate - Bhangra, Bhringraj3 Glycyrrhiza galba - Jethimadh, Mulhathi4 Terminalia bellirica - Baheda, Bahera
Heart Problems
Irregular heartbeats
1 Terminalia Arjuna - Arjuna, Kauha
Elevated blood pressure may lead to cardiac, kidney, eyesight problems
1 Hydrocotyle Asiatica - Brahmi 2 Evolvulus alsinoides - Shankh Pushpi 3 Withania Somnifera - Ashwagandha 4 Celastrus paniculata seeds - Jyotishmati5 Terminalia Arjuna - Arjuna, Kauha
Head Ache
Pain in head due to heat of sun,indigestion mental stress
1 Picrorrhyiza kurrosa - Kadu, kataki 2 Swertia chirrata - Bhucharitta, Kariyata 3 Zingiber officinale - Sunth, Adrak Dried4 Ricinus communis - Erand leaves, Castor leaves
Liver Disorders
Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, cirrhosis sluggish liver
1 Glycyrrhiza galba - Jethimadh, Mulhathi 2 Berbaris aristata - Daru Haldi3 Aloe barbendish- Aloe, Ghikunwar4 Aegle Marmelos - Bel, Bael
Excessive accumulation of fat, weakness
1 Zingiber officinale- Sunth, Adrak Dried 2 Piper longum- Long pepper3 Piper nigrum - Kali Mirch4 Ferula assa-foetida - Hing
Pitting & Scarring of face Blackheads, pink reddish spots on face,
1 Randia dumetorum - Mainphal, Mindhal2 Terminalia Arjuna - Arjuna, Kauha 3 Rubia cordifolia - Majith 4 Terminalia chebula - Harde
Sprains, Strains
Cracks in bones, Inflamation and Swelling of muscles
1 Curcuma domestica - Haldi2 Curcuma aromatica - Amba-Haldi3 Viscum nepalense - Had-bodi, Bando4 Terminalia Arjuna - Arjuna, Kauha5 Acasia nilotica - Babul
Swelling of tonsils pain in throat
1 Terminalia chebula - Harde2 Rubia cordifolia - Majith3 Curcuma domestica - Haldi4 Senna alexandrina - Sonamukhi
Worm infestation
Painful Abdomen, Itching in the rectum
1 Caesalpinia bonducella - Katuk Ranja2 Embelia Ribes - Vidang, Vavding3 Fumaria officinalis - Pitpapda
This information is as folklore and is for general information only. These herbal remedies are not sure cure. The effect and reaction of herbs and spices may vary from human to human, in case of any ailment always consult your healthcare professional. Please read and agree to the terms and conditions of viewing or using information from this site.