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English Name-Ajwain - Trachysprmum

The plant is cultivated in India and Iran.
The Ajwain is aplant of Apiaceae plant family. This is an annual herb. The leaves are 2-3 pinnate, dark green and wedge shape at the base. The flowers are white and in coumpound umbel. The fruits are cremocarn and ovoid. The fruits contain aromatic oil, which is pungent in smell. The main constituent of oil is Thymol.


Ajwain is used for its spicy strong smell. Many outh Indian dishes contain Ajwain fried in vegetable oil. Ajwain is used for curing common cold and is agood decongestant for stuffy nose.

Known as an other language-

Botanical Name-Trachysprmum
Hindi Name-Ajwoin
Sanskrit Name-Ajmoda, Avanika
Marathi Name-Ova
French Name-Ajowan
German Name- Adiowan