English Name-crape jasmine,Moonbeam-Tagar.
This tree is a member of Apocynaceae plant family.synonims are Tabernaemontana divarcata Nerium coronarium.
This is a much branched, glabrous shrub. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate to obvate.upto 14 cm long. The flowers are at first creamy white then turn pure white with small yellow spot in the centre.
The root leaves and flowers are useful as Ayurvedic medicine. Alkaaloids from the different parts of the plant have been reported. The seed alkaloid has been identified to be
Coronaridine. The alkaloids have been found to depress the bone marrow resulting in temporary leucopenia.
Known as another language-
Hindi Name-Tagar
Marathi Name-chandani, Tagar
Gujrathi Name-chandani,Tagar
Kannada Name-kodru
Tamil Name-Nandiar, vattai
Telugu Name-Tagar
Sanskrit Name-Tagar
Botanical Name-Ervatamia divaricata