English Name- Connessi bark. Tellicherry bark- (kuda)-Holarrhena pubescens.
Connessi plant is anative to India.
This shrub is amember of Apocynaceae plant family synonyms-Holarrhena pubescens.
This is deciduous shrub or a small tree.the bark is rough and brownish in colour. The leaves are opposite and sub sessile. The flowers are white and the seeds are light brown in colour.
The bark is used mainly for treatment of dysentery and diarrhea. The bark of the herb is used as Ayuvedic herbal medicine.
Known as an other languages-
Hindi Name-kutaj
Marathi Name-pandhra kuda
Gujrathi Name-Indrajav,kada
Kannada Name-kodsinge
Bengali Name-kusachi
Tamil Name-kutasappalai
malyalam Name-kudangappala
Sanskrit Name-kutaj
Botanical Name-Holarrhena Antidysenterica