English Name-Asafoetida- Ferula assa-foetida-Hing
Asafoetida is actually agum oleoresin from the various plants of ferula varieties. The plant cultivated in Iran and Afghanistan.
The plant are apeaceae plant family. These are small shrubs. The leaves are hairy,ovate and decurrently placed. The flowers are in terminal umbels. The latex or gum is derived from living rhizomes or tap roots.
Asafoetida is used in diluted form. The pure resin is very strong and with disagreeable odour. As medicinal use it is useful for curing colic flatulence. Uses have been mentioned for toothache cure. In cooking asafetida sprinkled In very minute quantity on fried snacks give an agreeable flavour.
Known as an other languages-
Botanical Name- Ferula assa-foetida
Hindi /marathi Name-Hing
Sanskrit Name-Badhika
French Name-Asa-foetida
German Name-Asant