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English Name- Karanda- Carissa congesta

Karanda is aherb common in India it is also found in Myanmar, Shri lanka, Indonesia and South East Asian countries.

The palnt is a member of Apocynaceae plant family.
This is an evergreen shrub with light gray or yellowish-brown,rough,scaly bark. The leaves are conriaceous. Elliptic oblong or ovate oblong and glabrous. The cymes are terminal, paniculata. The fruits are small ovoid oblong or ellipsoidal,glabrous deep purple and nearly when ripe.
The flowering season is February to June.


Karanda is an fruit used for pickles. The fruit is sour in test, the skin is some what hard. As medicinal herb it is used for treatment of diarrhea, anorxia, skin disease, scabies and prurities as per Ayurveda.

Known as an other languages-

Hindi Name-karonda
Marathi Name-karvanda
Gujrathi Name-karamdaa
Bengali Name-karamcha
Kannada Name karjige
Tamil Name-kalkkai
Malyalam Name-karakka
Telugu Name-peddakalavi
Sanskrit Name-karmard
Botanical Name-carissa congesta
